My Own Style


[일빵빵 기초영어 무료 영어 강의 바로가기]

문제시, 삭제하겠습니다.  / 기초지만 소리내서 읽으면 굉장히 도움이 많이됨 / 그냥 짧은 문장을 반복적으로 외우는 것이 도움됨 해당 정리에 없는내용은.... 파일을 저장하지 않고... 껐을때가 많음... 주의 요망....

21 강 ===========================

Could you "V"?

could 도 can 의 과거의 이미나 can 의 의미도 내포하고 있다 

문장에 연결되는 단어를 통해 미래의 의미인지 과거의 의미인지 판단해야함.

" 할 수도 있었어 / 할 수도 있어 " 두 가지의 의미를 포함

could you ~? 

"~ 해주시겠어요?" 의미

can you 는 가까운 사이 / could you 는 조금더 정중한 표현

Could you make tee?

Could you open the door?

Could you close the window?

could you clean the badroom?

could you wash my car?

22 강 =========================

I would "V".

보통 would 는 will 의 과거형으로 알고 있는 경우가 대부분

하지만 그것은 문법적인 의미로 많이 쓰이며 실제 회화의 경우 

would 는 두가지의 의미로 사용됨 

1. 나는 ~ 하곤 했었어 (과거의 반복된 습관)

2. 나는 아마 ~ 할꺼야 

I would run every day.

나는 매일 뛰곤해 

I would run this year.

나는 올해 아마 뛸꺼야. 

will 은 뉘앙스가 반드시 할꺼야 라는 의미이기 때문에 would 가 많이 쓰임

I would drive every month. 

나는 매달 운전하곤 했었어 

I would drive this summer. 

나는 아마 올해 여름에 운전할꺼야.

I would live every month.

I would live this summer.

I would stay every year.

I would stay next year.

I would wait every year.

I would wait next year.

I would work every week. 

I would work every weekend.

I would work next week.

I would work next weekend.

I would sleep every weekend.

I would sleep next weekend.

23 강 ==========================

I would not (나같으면 그런상황이 온다면 아마(가정)(앞으로)) ~ 하지 않을거야

I wouldn't "V"

I wouldn't close the window.

I wouldn't get the ticket.

I wouldn't have a party.

I wouldn't visit the house. 

I wouldn't start the test.

I wouldn't meet the boy.

I wouldm't learn the language.

24 강 ===========================

Would you ~? (날위해) ~ 해주시겠어요??

marry the girl.

meet the boy.

give the flower.

put the bag.

25강 ==========================

go to bed

come here

have a seat

see the doctor

hear the story

stop there

sit again

stand alone

meet together

try more

(반드시) ~해야해 ! must (가장 강력한 조동사/법적으로 구속할 때, must 가 많이 쓰임 /보통은 친구들 사이에는 안쓰임)

you must "V".

You must go to bed.

You must come here.

You must not come here.

You must not have a seat.

26 강 =========================

you should "V" (도의적으로 / 관습적으로) 해야해

27 강==========================

take a car

take a texi

take a bus

take a test

take an exam

take a picture

take a shower

take a bath

take a rest

take a break 

take a class

take a lesson

take a walk

have a walk

take an airplane / a flight

take a medicine

take a holiday

have to / need to ~

28 강 

would you? could you?

뭘 선택해야하나?

Would you 는 상대방이 거절하기 조금 부담스러운 표현 (조금더 강한 의지)

Could you 는 상대방의 부담이 조금 덜 한 표현 (상황이나 능력에 따라서 못할수 있음, 기회 되시면)

Would you marry me ? Could you 를 쓰면 비굴해지는 표현이됨...

최초 부탁은 Could you plase close the door? 한 세네시간이 지났을 때는 

Would you close the door, please?

잘못 얘기하면 Would you 가 무레해 보일 수 있음.....

get a discount

get a (10%) discount

get a texi

take a texi

get a book

get a car (해석할 때 주의, 문맥에 맞게)

get a seat 

have a seat

get a house

get a break

get a rest

take a test

take an exam

get a test

get a visa

get a message

don't have to ~"V" ~하지 않아도되 

don't neet to ~"V" ~할 필요 없도

너 ~하면 안되!! ~하지마!

You must not

You shoud not

너 ~하지 않아도되 / ~할 필요 없어

29 강 ===========================

오늘의 단어

go on (막 시작하다, 하러가다, ~하기 위해 떠나다)

go on a picnic

go on a date

go on a trip 여행하러 가다 (너 어디 가니?) 

take a trip 여행하다 (너 뭐하고 있니?)

go on a honeymoon

go on a diet (다이어트를 시작하다)

I'm on a diet (be on a diet)

make money (돈을 벌다)

make a promise (약속하다)

make a living (생활비를 벌다 / 생계를 꾸리다)

make a list

make a plan

너 ~해야해?

Do you have to ?

Do I have to ?

Do you need to ?

Do I need to ?

30강 ========================

have a problem (문제가 생기다, 문제가 있다)

have no idea (전혀 모르다)

have no time (시간이 없다)

have a meeting

have a cold

do the roundry (빨래하다)

take exercise

do exercise

do homework

do business

do a paper (레포트를 쓰다)

may ~ 일지 몰라 (추측 반반정도)  / ~ 해도되 (you may ~)

might 어쩌면 ~ 일지 몰라 (아니면 말고~) (추측 가능성 한 10%?) may 보다 약한 추측

could   (미래에) ~ 할수도 있어


강도로 따지면 must > should > have to >= need to > may > could > might

passport test ==================================

>> 100문장 중 80 문장 이상

>> 제한 시간 1초 안에 나와야된다. / 20 문항씩 통과해야되는 점수가 있음 

1. I see

2. I hear

3. you meet

4. you try

5. study, please

6. stay, please

7. wait, please

8. I do wash

9. I do drink

10. I do clean

11. I don't wash my face

12. I don't have breakfast

13. I don't watch TV

14. do you wash your car ?

15. do you eat lunch ?

16. do you read the newpaper ?

17. do you play the piano?

18. don't you wash the dishes?

19. don't you have dinner?

20. don't you clean the livingroom?

(1~20 개중 2개 틀린것 이상만 인정)

21. I can drive

22. I can stay

23. I can work 

24. I can't go home

25. I can't come today

26. I can't have a walk together -

27. I can't sleep tonight

28. Can I go to school?

29. Can I live in the house?

30. Can I stay in the hotel?

31. Can you come to the office?

32. Can you drive to the market?

33. Can you wait in the mall?

34. Can you work in the library?

35. Can you sleep on the chair?

36. Can't you go to church?

37. Can't you drive to the airport?

38. Can't you live in the city?

39. Can't you wait in the classroom?

40. Can't you sleep on the sofa?

(20~40 16개 이상 맞혀야 합격) -1

41. I will get the ticket. 

42. I will visit the house.

43. I will finish homework.

44. I will meet the boy.

45. I will learn english. - (the english X) 

46. I won't open the door.

47. I won't close the window.

48. I won't have a party.

49. I won't teach the dog.

50. I won't start the test.

51. Will you marry the girl?

52. will you help the man?

53. will you sing a song?

54. Will you call the police?

55. will you try the job?

56. won't you pick the bag? - (get a bag? X)

57. won't you move the dest?

58. Won't you check the list?

59. Won't you give the flower?

60. Won't you put the book?

(40 ~ 60 16개 이상부터 합격) -2

61. I did have a meal.

62. I did have fun. 

63. I didn't take a texi.

64. I didn't take a shower.

65. I didn't take a nap.

66. Did you get a call?

67. Did you get a job?

68. Did you get a cold?

69. didn't you go to the doctor?

70. didn't you go aboard?

71. I could live before.

72. I could stay 2 days ago.

73. I could go tomorrow.

74. I could walk soon.

75. I could drive later.

76. I couldn't wash my face yesterday.

77. I couldn't have a meal then. - (have breakfast....) 

78. Could you make tee, please?

79. Could you clean the badrooom?

80. Could you come today, please?

(60~80 15개이상 부터 합격) -1

81. I would come every night.

82. I would walk every day.

83. I would wait every year.

84. I would work next week.

85. I wouldn't get a ticket - (buy the ticket)

86. I wouldn't have a party.

87. I wouldn't meet the boy.

88. you should go to bed.

89. You must stop there.

90. you should go to the doctor.

91. you have to take a bath.

92. you have to take a medicine.

93. you dont have to get a discount. 

94. you dont have to get a visa.

95. Do you have to make money?

96. Do you have to make a living?

97. Do you have to go on a diet?

98. I might have a problem.

99. I may have a cold.

100. the man might - (do business.)

(80~100 15개 이상부터 합격) -2

[total -6... 그래도 다행...] 

기초지만 이렇게 많이 소리내서 말해본적이 없어서 뿌듯함. 

뭔가 꾸준히 할수있는 동기부여를 해주는 강의로 생각됨. 

한 3개월 이상은 꾸준히 일빵빵으로 영어회화를 진행해볼 계획임. 


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