테스트 코드
import momnet from 'moment-timezone'
methods: {
sys_time = '1583282193434.118'
let base_time = moment(sys_time).tz('Asia/Seoul')
console.log(base_time.format()) //2020-03-04T09:36:33+09:00
let conv_time = moment(sys_time).tz('Europe/London')
console.log(conv_time.format()) //2020-03-04T00:36:33Z
sys_time = '1583282193434.118'
let base_time = moment(sys_time).tz('Asia/Seoul')
console.log(base_time.format('YYYY/MM/DD h:mm:ss a')) //2020/03/04 9:36:33 am
console.log(base_time.format('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss A')) //04-03-2020 09:36:33 AM
Moment Timezone | Docs
To use moment-timezone, you will need [email protected]+, moment-timezone.js, and the moment-timezone data. For convenience, there are builds available on with all the zone data or a subset of the data. moment-timezone-with-data.js i
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